Monday, January 7, 2019

Mom’s Beard Oil

OK, so my son asked me for beard oil for Christmas last month and had a specific product line he usually bought from. I looked high and low and finally came to the conclusion that they no longer made it in the specific scent that he requested. So, I went on a mission to make him my own version. It’s safe, all natural and with essential oils. He LOVED it! I decided to make a batch so I had enough to give to my husband and my daughters boyfriend too. The one thing they loved was that it was made with Sandalwood and that the oil not only smelled great but also made their skin and beard hair soft!
I thought it would be funny to call it “Mom’s Beard” oil! 🤣

It was SUPER easy to make, but the Sandalwood EO can be expensive. I didn’t mind since it was Christmas!  You may want to play around with other scents that can lend themselves to manly cologne type smells. Woodsy types like Idaho Blue Spruce, Northern Black Spruce, Cedarwood, Evergreen are a few options and there are so many others! Blend those woodsy spells with lime or citrus smells to round it off. Play around in small increments before making larger gift size bottles! Here is the recipe I used for the “Mom’s Beard Oil”. Did I mention how EASY this was?! I think it took me longer to make the labels. Even that wasn’t too bad with Avery! (Round labels # 22807 and designed and printed on line at

BEARD OIL recipe
1 TBS Shea Butter
1/3 cup Sweet Almond oil
1/3 cup Jahoba oil OR V6 oil from Young Living
2 tsp glycerin
1/4 tsp vitamin 3 oil (optional)

Essential oils I used (but you can play around with the ratio’s.
30 drops Lime EO
10 drops black Pepper EO
1/2 tsp Sandalwood EO

Directions: the only oil that needs to melt is the shea butter. Put that and a little bit of the Almond oil in a small cup in the microwave (or double boiler) just until it’s melted. I did mine in the microwave for 5-10 second increments. Once it easily blends with the almond oil you can add the rest of the ingredients. Once the first ingredients are all blended well, add your Essential Oils. (Remember that EO’s should not be added while things are hot, as this will destroy the health benefits EO’s have in the cooled state.) 

This recipe yielded 3) two ounce bottles. (I used a pump style bottle) My son says the one he used to buy was half the size and thinks this one should last 9 months to a year! It only take a few drops and goes a long way! Have fun! I know Fathers Day is half a year away, but this would make for a great Fathers Day gift...or even a Birthday gift for the man in your life!

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